Welcome to the page dedicated to the Association des Parents d’Elèves Montessori Gaillac !
We created an association law 1901 in order to organize events arround school life including generating a little income to help to finance school activities, organic fruit for morning snacks etc. It is a way to support Hélène and Myriam in this wonderful project for the development of our children.
In 2017, for example, we have created a calendar with children photos and draws. The funds will be used, among other things, to finance the year-end excursion at the Jardin des Martels.
If you wish to join the association, you just have to ask for a subscription form for Hélène and Myriam, complete it and give a 10 € contribution, and deposit in the small mailbox of the locker room . If you would like to be part of the school's parents' mailing list, please send an email to Siestke Bendel.
We also like to meet on Thursdays evenings at the end of the school, at Foucaud Park if time permits, or at the Café Cartes sur Tables, in front of the school, for a time of play and snack for children and exchanges for parents. We discuss the projects of the association, the evolution of children or anything else!
All the parents and children are welcome!
Pleasure of meeting!